Blog yay

warning first of all the css for this is a WIP i know its boring rn just you wait.. second of all i will NOT be holding back on my rambling.. if you dont read it thats ok but im TIRED of holding back..the yapping WILL be never ending i will yap as long as i please with no fear of people telling me to shut the hell up/talking over people HOORAY

March 12 2024 \\ ENDING IT

whats up fagggots its me back after like 3 months of nothingness idk why i randomly lost all motivation to code :p its not really back but i wish i was because i should really work on this stupid website. i know nobody be reading this blog but if you are...lowkey we should kis.. im really bored rightnow inmy illustraisitonsdsfn class idk how to spell it and i kind of want to woek on the site but its so much work...ough... PS my vacation was great if anyones cares... rome is pretty epic

Jan 13 2024 \\ Vacation oh yeahh

GAH just wanted to post to let you guys know im going to be in ROME for a week and i probably wont be updating.. (nobody gaf) ill update anyway when i get back.. also more overwatch yapping GOD I HATE BEING BAD AT MY OWN SPECIAL INTREST im literally in SILVER on supoort... i will keep trying until i am at a DECENT rank!!! at least im not in bronze... sigh.. im so excited to go to the airport did yuo know i love the airport i love planes i love flying omg i LOVEE PLANESS i loveee airportss soo much i love themm umm idk why but im a little obbsessed i love airport and plane id be a pilot if i didnt have to do so much school for it..

Jan 9 2024 \\ Overwatch is ruining my life

okay gang im SO tired of not having a blog but ive been too unmotivated to actually code this page so im just throwing some lazy ass css here so i can at least write some entries down. that kind of summerizes my entire website tbh, a lot of placeholders and me saying "i swear this will look better later... when i get to it.." but sometimes i look at other ppls sites and im like UGHHHH why is that so good mine is such asss i hate it i want to redo the entire thing" but its just SOO MUCH and i have so many ideas and pages i want to make...

im also too busy being hyperfixated on overwatch soo.. RIP to me being productive. I recently got a new laptop that isnt actual ass and can run OW2 on high graphics and im obbsessed and ive run straight back into overwatches arms... Ive been playing this worthless game since 2016 but ill randomly get extremely obbsessed and hyperfixate for a while but i havent been able to actually PLAY it for so long because the lag makes it literally worthless. Im glad its somewhat popular right now and i see a lot of new players which i think is awesome but im also like heh...ive been here since the stone age... back when sombra was the newest hero.... shit was crazy. I miss my old account from OW1 i know they offered to let people tranfer their accounts but it never worked for me.. rest in peace my level 105 account that never got past bronze... sigghh..

being able to play on pc with no lag as opposed to struggling through xbox with 4000 ping is a learning curve for sure tbh. everythings way easier but i have to kind of relearn everything and actually use strategy and not just shoot in the general direction of the enemy. im actually climbing ranked for the first time though which is great. not very far (silver 4) but its farther then ive ever been okay I GETT ITT I SUCKKKK

I think the funny thing is that i know how to play, i know all the team comps and i know most of the maps by heart and i know how to effectivly play all these heros its just...i havent been able to actually apply this knowledge for so long lIKE OBVIOUSLY I TRIED TO but there is really only so much you can do when your wifi crashes every 5 minutes. tbh my shitty ping was most of the reason i stopped playing for a while. i cannot stress enough how good it feels to be able to actually play this game im so grateful.. the overwatch special intrest will never die i fear.. its been too long and too powerful and i just know too much theres no going back.. not only am i obbsessed with the game itself but with all these heroes and all their lore.. i fear an overwatch shrine is on its way so i hope youre all ready.